Mari actori si regizorii lor straini

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Nu stiu cum se face dar mi s-a intimplat in ultimii ani sa coproduc mai multe filme straine, care s-au filmat in Romania si in care au jucat mari actori romani. Actori uitati de regizorii nostri sau pur si simplu … Continued

Remember 10 years of TIFF, personal perspective

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That’s how Mihai described my task and pushed me to be very subjective on this. Somehow I feel TIFF is more than my pet-project, but my family, my tree of life. Didn’t see yet Malick film but I do believe … Continued

Speech gala deschidere TIFF 2010

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In 2011 vom avea 240 de filme din 47 de tari si va fi primul an cind Festivalul va fi reflectat pe Euronews. La TIFF vor veni, intre cei multi oaspeti din strainatate si Wim Wenders, presedintele Academiei Europene de … Continued